09 February 2007

I don't like cricket, I love it.

Well this will have to be a quick post I am currently sat at my desk in work. I have been listening to the commentary of the one day international cricket final between Australia and England. After months of sledging from the Aussies England have won the first of three matches that make up the final. The words "egg on your face" spring to mind. Always sweet to beat the Aussies, even more so when they were expecting a walk in the park.

Whilst on the subject of cricket the cricket world cup is just around the corner. I have seen mentions of a fantasy world cup cricket game and I thought about setting up a league for anyone that would like to enter a team.


Teapot said...

Woohoo!! Was SO great to watch them celebrate!!

Cornish Pixie is trying to set up a team too, have a look.......

It's not easy being small said...

Am definately up for entering a team if you set up a league! Great!!!